Makerere University Gender Mainstreaming Directorate (GMD) in partnership with UN women, Swedish Embassy and NBS TV capped the 16 days of Women Activism by celebrating the late Susan Oregede who was a key champion in the struggle of ending violence Against Women and Girls.
In the annual event of the Two4One Talent for change Against sexual Harassment contest grand finale on the 9th December 2020 at Next Media conference Center, the Director Makerere Gender Mainstreaming Directorate Dr. Euzobia Mugisha Baine, noted that the Two4One campaign is aimed at increasing awareness of the problem of sexual harassment and tapping into student’s innovativeness to strength their agency in the prevention and response to sexual harassment, through thinking and doing what they love most (edutainment) where students either individually or in groups, work on innovative songs, drama skits, poems and dances which are used as ambassadorial messages within their Universities and communities. And that unlike last year’s grand finale, where 15,000 students filled Makerere University Freedom Square in just one night, this year’s campaign was affected by the COVID-19 challenges and thus the concert was largely virtual with majority following through the NBS TV live cast and all the social media handles of the organisers.

Dr. Euzobia Mugisha Baine noted that for purposes of having more students from other universities in the campaigns, a Two4One campaign website was created (two4one through which students from all Universities and tertiary institutions created accounts, uploaded videos and mobilized their fellow students to participate through voting. Makerere University, Gulu University, Uganda Christian University (UCU), Bugema University, Kyambogo University, Buganda Royal Institute, Busitema University, Kampala University, Muteesa 1 Royal University and MAT Abacus business School, Mbarara University Science and Technology (MUST) registered to participate in the contest. And that 167 students registered, 62 of these were females and 105 were males. Out of these, 50 were able to compose and submit their pieces within a period of three weeks. Out of the 50, 15 were females and 35 were males and on the 1st December 2020, these were presented to the judges and out of the 50 contestants presented 15 were recommended to the grand finale.
Dr. Euzobia Mugisha Baine recognized students from universities and tertiary institutions for responding to the call and revealed that Makerere University and GMD would like to partner with those institutions to implement programs that end sexual and other forms of gender-based violence (GBV).
Remarking the relevance of the GMD at the mighty hill, Dr. Euzobia Mugisha Baine thanked Makerere University Management through the Vice Chancellor Prof. Barnabas Nawange for the commitment to the zero tolerance to sexual harassment and noted that currently Makerere University is taking on the lead in fighting against sexual harassment.
She also showed gratitude to the UN Women and the Embassy of Sweden in Uganda for their unfailing partnership in prevention and response to sexual harassment at Makerere University and for their efforts to make the event happen.
“I want to thank UN women and the Swedish Embassy in Uganda for your strong and consistent partnership in prevention and response to sexual harassment at Makerere University. I thank you particularly for making this event happen,” expressed Dr. Euzobia Mugisha Baine.
Speaking on behalf of UN Women, Ms. Evely Letiyo echoed that sexual harassment robs off girl’s dreams and that it doesn’t only affect them physically but also emotionally thus called upon everyone to stand out against sexual violence.
She further reflected on her past 15 years as an Assistant lecturer, where students would approach her in office and report to her cases of sexual harassment and she had no solution to them, but after joining UN Women, with the responsibility of Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWA) in Uganda, sexual harassment and Gender Based Violence, she can now fight against as well as sensitize others about the evil. She added that students’ voices matter a lot thus calling upon all universities to stand up and respond positively by having an open to the students say.

Speaking on behalf of the judges, Ms. Eleanor Nabwiso (above center) applauded GMD for boldly standing against the sex for marks vice by helping the victims.
She commended the students from all universities who participated in the challenge and congratulated the 3 winners upon the big achievement and urged them to continue passing on the message to others and noted that the coaches did a grateful job in polishing of the contestants’ composition. Amidst the chants, the winners were awarded as follows:

Ms. Angel Kene a 3rd year student at Makerere University doing Bachelors of Social Works and Social Administration merged the winner and was awarded the Susan Oregede Award of Excellence, 5 million Uganda shillings.

Timothy Mutebi a 3rd year student at Makerere University pursuing Bachelors of Arts in Music emerged the 2rd runner up and was awarded the Susan Oregede Award of Excellence of 4 million Uganda shillings.

Bint Kasedde a 3rd year student at Makerere University pursuing Bachelors of Education emerged the 3rd winner and was awarded the Susan Oregede Award of Excellence of 3 million Uganda shillings and a certificate of participation.
All the contestants were awarded a certificate of participation.
The Minister of Gender in the 85th cabinet of Makerere University Students Guild Ms. Marion Kirabo enlightened that in their tenure of office as leaders of the University, the Guild President HE Julius Kateregga and his team decided to come up with a solution of having students sensitized about sexual harassment and that’s how they came out with the two4one challenge/ campaign. The campaign was organised by Gender Mainstreaming Directorate and UN Women which has turned into an annual event.
During her performance, singer Spice Diana, reflected back on her days while at university, and revealed that she once faced sexual harassment while at the university but she stood firm and said no to the oppressor and called upon everyone to stand out and kick the vice out of the universities.

“Don’t keep quite when you see or hear sexual harassment. Speak out,” She said.
The event was crowned by entertainment from the B2C who also called for an end of the Gender Based Violence.
Mr. Eric Tumwesigye, Senior Gender Officer at GMD expressed appreciation to all the students who participated in the competition amidst end of Semester exams. He congratulated the winners and urged others not to give up as more campaigns are still coming up.
Mr. Tumwesigye concluded his remarks by thanking the judges; Mr. Benon Mugumbya, Ms. Elneor Nabwiso and Ms. Naava Grey for accepting to take on the role. He further recognized the Department of Performing Arts Makerere University particularly Dr. Branco Sekalega, Mr. Phillip Luswata and Ms. Juliet Sessanga for the great job they did in training the 15 students and ensuring that they were ready for the grand finale.
The event was hosted by Mr. Obed Obedgiu Kwokuboth Jalmeo a third year student at Makerere University and Ms. Sheila Salta of NBS TV
Watch the Full Finale
You can also watch the full length of the Two4One Campaign grand finale as it played out courtesy of NBS. Incase the video isn't available below, please go direct to Watch on NBS facebook to view it.
2020 Two4One Campaign Shortlisted Contestant Auditions
You can watch the highlights of the auditions below, or watch the extended individual team audition highlights as well as the 3-day bootcamp highlights on this Makerere University YouTube playlist.