Working or learning environments in institutions of higher learning are very dynamic and sometimes unpredictable. The dynamism and evolvement of cul- ture may result in emerging social vices, including various forms of sexual harassment. At Gulu University, sexual harassment is believed to exist, but because victims may fear to report it has only been talked about parenthetically.
Cognizant of its vision to be the leading academic institution for promotion of community transformation and industrialisation for sustainable development, the University is committed to create a safe working and learning environment, free from depravities including sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is seen as an infringement on fundamental human rights. In the context of higher institutions of learning it negates the tenets of a safe learning and working conditions, thus emasculating a conducive environment for advancement of learning, generation of new knowledge as well as productive work.
The University has therefore taken a deliberate effort to develop the Anti- Sexual Harassment Policy to provide a framework to detect, prevent and/or to address cases of sexual harassment as well as protect victims. With certainty, the university hopes this Policy and its guidelines will help improve work and learning conditions, workforce productivity, retention and morale of staff and students.
As Gulu University, we are indebted to the UN Women and all the partners who financially contributed towards the production of this policy. In addition, to Makerere University Gender Mainstreaming Department, who worked together with Gulu University on this path, we owe you great appreciation and best wishes.
Special thanks go to the Policy Drafting/working Committee, composed of Sr. Rosalba Aciro (Chairperson/Academic Registrar's Department); Dr. Christine Oryema (Member/Faculty of Science); Mr. Walter Okot (Member/Faculty of Business and Development Studies); Dr. Pebalo Francis Pebolo (Member/ Faculty of Medicine) and Mr. David Claeve Waiswa (Member & Editorial/ Faculty of Agriculture and Environment).
Gratitude also goes to the students’ community, spearheaded by the Peer Trainers under the Safer Universities project, for their hard work during the process. On this note, Mr. Oruka Ivan (Student/Faculty of Agriculture and Environment) and Ms. Elizabeth Oting (Student/Faculty of Law), who participated actively in the policy working committee, cannot go unrecognised.
Prof. G.L. Openjuru
Vice Chancellor
Gulu University Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy
Invitation to Sexual Harassment Policy Launch by Gulu University